No parent should ever have to endure the heartbreak of losing a child, especially not in such a sudden and devastating way. But for Aliza Rose’s mother, this unimaginable tragedy became a reality when her perfectly healthy newborn daughter succumbed to the HSV-1 virus just 8 days after her birth.
Aliza Rose’s mother was overjoyed to be pregnant with her first child. She learned the gender through a Christmas-themed gender reveal and immediately fell in love with the idea of her little girl, whom she named after a character from “The Wild Thornberrys.” Despite a difficult pregnancy and an early scare with preterm labor, Aliza arrived healthy and strong on May 12, 2018, weighing a healthy 8 pounds, 8 ounces.

In the first 15 minutes of Aliza’s life, she was perfectly healthy and thriving. But within 36 hours, the unthinkable happened. Aliza began displaying troubling symptoms like low blood sugar, lack of appetite, and lethargy. Her condition rapidly deteriorated, and she had to be transferred to a larger hospital as her lungs and brain swelled, her veins becoming visible through her skin.
It wasn’t until three days before Aliza’s life support was disconnected that doctors finally diagnosed her with the HSV-1 virus – the common cold sore virus that kills nearly 14,000 newborns annually. Despite her mother’s desperate pleas and fight for doctors to take her concerns seriously from the beginning, precious time was lost, and the devastating virus had already ravaged Aliza’s tiny body.
Aliza’s mother is left to grapple with the unimaginable pain of losing her daughter in such a sudden and traumatic way. She is determined to share Aliza’s story to raise awareness about the dangers of the HSV-1 virus and the importance of protecting newborns from potential exposure, even from well-meaning loved ones.
The tragic case of Aliza Rose serves as a heartbreaking reminder that the cold sore virus can be deadly for newborns, even though it may cause no symptoms in adults. It is a silent killer that claims the lives of far too many infants each year. As Aliza’s mother so painfully learned, vigilance and awareness are key to preventing such devastating losses.

As a new parent, the joy of holding your precious newborn is unparalleled. The soft coos, the tiny fingers wrapped around your own – it’s a moment you cherish forever. But for one devastated mother, that moment of bliss turned into a nightmare that no parent should ever have to endure. In a heart-wrenching story, she shares the unimaginable loss of her baby girl, Aliza, and the crucial lesson she learned that could save other infants from the same tragic fate.
Aliza was a healthy, vibrant newborn, the center of her parents’ world. In the early days, the only people who held her were her mother, father, and a few close friends. They were vigilant, warning others who were feeling unwell not to come too close to her face. Sadly, this precaution was not enough to protect Aliza.
Just a few short days after her birth, Aliza was diagnosed with a deadly virus – one that had been transmitted to her, most likely through a simple kiss. The virus ravaged her tiny body, leaving her struggling to breathe and her parents grasping for any glimmer of hope.
Despite the best efforts of the medical team, Aliza’s condition deteriorated rapidly. She was soon hooked up to a myriad of machines and tubes, her fragile newborn body overwhelmed by the relentless virus. Tragically, on May 20th, Aliza was declared brain-dead, and her parents had to make the unimaginable decision to let her go.

The loss of Aliza has left an indelible mark on her parents’ hearts and minds. “I can’t go a day without thinking about her,” the heartbroken mother shares. “I think about my plump, cheerful, cheeky Aliza every day.”
The virus that claimed Aliza’s life is the herpes simplex virus (HSV), a common infection that can be transmitted through something as simple as a kiss. While most people are familiar with the HSV-2 strain, which causes genital herpes, the HSV-1 strain, which typically causes cold sores, can also be deadly for newborns.
The alarming reality is that the HSV-1 virus is widespread, and many people may not even know they are carriers. “The virus is so widespread that there’s no way to ever find out who transmitted it to her,” the mother explains. “Although there is a part of me that wishes to know who it was, I can’t because I would never be able to forgive them.”
For newborns like Aliza, the consequences of contracting the HSV-1 virus can be catastrophic. The virus can rapidly spread, attacking the brain and lungs, ultimately leading to brain death and respiratory failure.
Aliza’s parents are determined to share their heart-wrenching story to raise awareness and prevent other families from experiencing the same tragedy. “Aliza didn’t die in vain if she was able to save even one infant,” the mother says.
The most important lesson they want to impart is the importance of never kissing a newborn or infant, and always washing your hands before handling them. “Please share our story and refrain from kissing babies to help us save additional lives,” the mother pleads.
By educating the public and promoting simple yet effective precautions, Aliza’s parents hope to spare other parents the devastation they have endured. “Never kiss a newborn or infant, and always wash your hands before handling them,” the mother emphasizes.
The loss of Aliza is a tragedy that no parent should ever have to face. Her story serves as a heartbreaking reminder of the invisible dangers that can lurk even in the most loving of gestures. But through the bravery of her parents in sharing their story, Aliza’s legacy can live on, saving the lives of other precious babies. By heeding the crucial lesson they have learned, we can all play a part in preventing such unthinkable heartbreak and ensuring that no other child falls victim to this invisible killer.