The Texas mom, identified only as “Star,” was faced with a challenging situation – her son had become a bully at his elementary school, Greenleaf Elementary. According to reports, the boy was calling other students “idiots” and “stupid,” behaviors that the school administrators had brought to Star’s attention.
In an effort to address her son’s problematic behavior, Star took a rather unconventional approach. She decided to force her son to wear a t-shirt that proclaimed, in bold letters, “I am a BULLY.” Star’s reasoning was that she wanted to publicly shame her son and make it clear to the entire school community that he was a bully.

Star’s decision to humiliate her son in this way drew significant backlash. A child psychiatrist at Baylor College of Medicine criticized the approach, saying, “Not a good idea to embarrass your child and solidify a negative identity in an elementary school child.” Many on social media also expressed their disapproval of Star’s tactics.
Despite the criticism, Star stood firm in her decision. She claimed that her son’s school district approved of her approach, and she defended her actions by saying, “I’m a very old-school parent. I don’t coddle my children. I don’t sugarcoat the world to them.”
According to Star, her son’s response to the experience was positive. She said, “He said, ‘I learned that I didn’t like the way that that felt, and I don’t want anybody else to feel that way because of me.’ That’s exactly what I wanted him to take from it.”

While Star’s approach may have had some success in addressing her son’s bullying behavior, experts generally advise against using public humiliation as a disciplinary tactic. Alternative strategies, such as counseling, restorative justice practices, and teaching empathy, are often more effective in addressing the root causes of bullying and promoting lasting behavioral change.
Star’s decision has sparked a broader discussion about the appropriate boundaries and techniques for disciplining children, particularly when it comes to addressing problematic behaviors like bullying. As with many parenting issues, there is often no one-size-fits-all solution, and the debate continues about the most effective and ethical approaches.
The story of the Texas mom and her bully son serves as a cautionary tale about the potential dangers of taking extreme measures in an attempt to correct a child’s behavior. While the goal of addressing bullying is commendable, the use of public humiliation may ultimately do more harm than good. As a society, we must strive to find compassionate, evidence-based solutions that empower children to change their behavior, while also protecting the well-being of all students.