In a powerful display of solidarity and social consciousness, a group of high school football players from Woodrow Wilson in New Jersey have joined the growing movement of athletes using their platform to raise awareness about racial injustice and economic disparities. Following in the footsteps of Colin Kaepernick and Denver Broncos linebacker Brandon Marshall, these young student-athletes have taken a bold stand by kneeling during the national anthem, refusing to remain silent in the face of the issues that plague their community.

The decision to kneel during the national anthem was not one made lightly by the Woodrow Wilson team. Their coach, Preston Brown, had initially planned to protest alone, citing his awareness of the often-overlooked third verse of the anthem, which references “the hireling and slave.” However, after informing his players of his intent, several of them chose to join him in this act of defiance, recognizing the importance of using their collective voice to amplify the call for change.
For Brown, the decision to kneel was deeply personal, stemming from his own experiences as an African-American student-athlete in the South. “Because of recent events that happened the last couple years, things I experienced in college being an African-American student athlete in the south, I felt it was an appropriate time to do that,” he explained.
The players’ decision to join their coach in this protest was not driven by a sense of obligation, but rather by a genuine understanding and empathy for the issues at hand. “I grew up in poverty, a lot of these kids are growing up in poverty,” Brown said. “There’s a lot of social injustices and economic disparities. There’s issues right here in our own community.”
The Camden City School District, while acknowledging the importance of standing for the flag, has voiced its support for the team’s actions, recognizing the significance of their engagement with the broader social justice movement. “Whether our students choose to stand, kneel, or otherwise, we’re proud of their engagement with what is more broadly a very important social justice issue,” said district spokesman Brendan Lowe.
The actions of the Woodrow Wilson football team have the potential to inspire and empower other student-athletes across the country to use their platforms to advocate for change. As the conversation around social and economic injustice continues to evolve, the courage and conviction displayed by these young people serve as a powerful testament to the transformative power of grassroots activism.
The decision of the Woodrow Wilson football team to kneel during the national anthem is a poignant and powerful statement, one that echoes the sentiments of a nation grappling with the realities of systemic racism and inequality. By taking a stand and using their platform to amplify the voices of the marginalized, these student-athletes have demonstrated the transformative potential of youth-led social movements. As the world watches, the ripple effects of their actions have the potential to inspire change and ignite a new era of student activism, where the power of the people can truly be harnessed to create a more just and equitable society.