The sweet taste of comeuppance! When those Pinchpenny Carlyles tried to stiff my old man Pete, the hardworking plumber, on his hard-earned pay, they had no idea the sticky situation they were about to find themselves in.
You see, Dad’s the kind of guy who takes pride in his work, redoing entire bathrooms if a single tile is off. But these entitled homeowners thought they could pull a fast one on him. They waited until the very last day, when Dad was about to start the grouting, to suddenly declare that “this isn’t what we wanted at all!”
And to top it off, they had the audacity to tell Dad they were only going to pay half of what they owed him. Can you believe the nerve of these people? After two weeks of Dad busting his hump to get their dream bathroom done, they thought they could just stiff him.

The life of a plumber – a world filled with leaky faucets, clogged drains, and the occasional intriguing tale. And let me tell you, my dad’s latest story is one for the books. It all started with a routine bathroom renovation job, but what unfolded was nothing short of a deliciously crafty act of revenge.
It was supposed to be a straightforward job – Dad and his trusted crew were hired to renovate the Carlyles’ bathroom. Little did they know, the Carlyles had a different plan in mind. As the project neared completion, the Carlyles tried to lowball Dad on the final payment, claiming that the job wasn’t up to par.
But Dad, being the clever fellow that he is, had a trick up his sleeve. Instead of using plain old water for the grout, he mixed it with sugar and honey. “Just you wait and see, Pippi,” he told me, that mischievous twinkle in his eye.
Dad, a seasoned plumber with a stellar reputation, was not about to let the Carlyles get away with this. In his line of work, a good name is everything, and he couldn’t risk letting word get out that he’d been pushed around by clients. As he explained to me, “If I let them get away with it, who knows how many other folks might try the same thing?”
And wait I did, eagerly anticipating the fallout. A few weeks later, the real fun began. According to Dad’s pal Johnny, who just so happens to be the Carlyles’ next-door neighbor, Mrs. Carlyle went to take a shower one day and was greeted by dozens of ants, marching along the grout lines like they owned the place!

But the ant invasion was just the beginning. The next day, it was cockroaches. Then every creepy-crawly within spitting distance showed up for the party. The Carlyles tried everything to get rid of the pests, but nothing worked. They were stuck with a bathroom that had become a true nightmare.
And the best part? The Carlyles had to fork over a small fortune to pest control companies, all while still refusing to pay Dad the full amount he was owed. Talk about a taste of their own medicine!
As Dad put it, “They thought they were so clever, but they had no idea who they were messing with.” Well, I guess they found out the hard way. Sometimes, the only way to deal with entitled jerks is to give them a dose of their own medicine – in the form of a sticky, ant-infested bathroom, that is.
As it turns out, Dad and his colleague, Johnny, had noticed a few suspicious signs during the renovation – namely, a peculiar residue in the grout that seemed to attract a swarm of ants and cockroaches. So, they took matters into their own hands and, well, let’s just say they added a special “ingredient” to the mix.
The Carlyles, unaware of the sugary sabotage, were baffled when the bugs started taking over their newly renovated bathroom. They tried everything – pest control sprays, bug bombs, even DIY solutions – but nothing seemed to work. The pests just kept coming back, much to the Carlyles’ growing frustration.
The bugs became a constant thorn in the Carlyles’ side, causing all sorts of embarrassing situations. From cockroaches making appearances at fancy dinner parties to the whole house smelling like a chemical factory after the Carlyles’ failed attempts to get rid of the pests, the situation just kept spiraling.

As the months passed, the Carlyles’ patience wore thin. According to Johnny’s updates, they’re now considering selling their home and moving, unable to shake the persistent infestation. It’s a classic case of karma at work – the Carlyles’ attempt to cheat Dad backfired in the most delightfully sticky way.
Dad’s story serves as a powerful reminder that in the world of business, integrity and a good reputation are invaluable. When clients try to take advantage, sometimes a little creative retribution is necessary to set them straight. And as for the Carlyles, well, they’ve certainly learned a lesson they won’t soon forget.
So, the next time you’re considering trying to cheat your plumber, or any other service provider for that matter, remember the tale of the Carlyles and their bug-infested bathroom. Some lessons are just sweeter when they come with six legs and an insatiable appetite.