Have you ever stumbled upon an old, mysterious object and wondered, “What on earth was this used for?” The world of antiques is full of hidden gems that offer a fascinating glimpse into the past. From unique tools to quirky household implements, each forgotten relic holds the potential to reveal unexpected insights into the daily lives and practices of bygone eras.
In this article, we’ll test your knowledge by taking a closer look at 7 old mystery items that may have you scratching your head. Get ready to be surprised as we uncover the surprising and often ingenious purposes of these forgotten artifacts.
Mystery Item 1: Electric Hair Curlers

This unit is made from metal with an inset of green linoleum. The item also plugs into the wall. If you thought this was a set of electric hair curlers, you were absolutely right! The metal bar heats up, and the curlers clamp onto it to be brought to the right temperature. These certainly don’t look like any electric curler sets on the market today.
Mystery Item 2: Trephining Drill

This item looks somewhat like an old-fashioned drill or carpenter’s brace, but with elaborate decoration. If you guessed that this was a trephine, you’re correct. Trephining drills were used since antiquity to treat various mental and physical ailments, often with disastrous results.
A hole was drilled into the skull, and the patient was often left with limited motor and speech skills when the procedure was done incorrectly. The particular drill in question was made in the 18th century, and the elaborate decoration unfortunately probably made this surgical tool quite unsanitary – another risk of the operation.
Mystery Item 3: Cigar Cutter

This sterling silver tool is not only elegantly ornamented, but has a mysterious shape. It looks almost like a jackknife, but does not have an extendable blade. If you recognized this as a sterling cigar cutter from the turn of the century, you’re right on the money. This embodies the wealth it once took to take up the habit of cigar smoking, quite different from the scissor or guillotine cigar cutters of today.
Mystery Item 4: Darning Egg

This ebony and silver item has a shape not unlike a Victorian baby’s rattle or a maraca, but has a very different use. If you guessed that this was a darning egg of rather extraordinary quality, you’re the winner. Most darning eggs are made completely of wood, but this one was clearly a cut above. Darning is a dying art these days, but one our mothers and grandmothers knew quite well.
Mystery Item 5: Egg Topper

This unusual pair of scissors is shaped like a chicken. If you recognized these as egg toppers – tools used to lop the tops off poached egg shells – you’re correct. These items are still made today, but modern designs are often a lot less charming than the antique versions.
Mystery Item 6: Grapefruit Knife

This curved, serrated knife has a Bakelite handle, so we know it can’t be too old, right? If you identified this as a grapefruit knife, you win! The curved blade allowed for easy segmentation of grapefruits back when they were a far more popular breakfast and dessert food than they are today.
Mystery Item 7: Carding Combs

These wooden paddles are rectangular and have spikes on one side. Oh, and they always come in pairs. If you thought these are carding combs, you were spot on! Back in pioneer times, a family would produce most or all of what they consumed. Wool from sheep was an important resource, and the women in the family would card or comb the wool to remove burs, dirt, and other impurities they didn’t want in their finished yarn. The combs were dragged across each other in opposite directions with the wool between them.
The world of antiques is truly full of surprises, with countless forgotten artifacts waiting to be rediscovered and understood. From unique tools to quirky household implements, each mysterious object holds the potential to reveal unexpected insights into the past. The stories behind these relics can be fascinating, providing a glimpse into the daily lives and practices of bygone eras.
Whether you’re an avid antique enthusiast or simply curious about the past, testing your knowledge on these old mystery items is a fun and rewarding experience. You never know what hidden gems you might uncover, or what surprising uses these forgotten relics might have served. So, the next time you come across an antique that leaves you scratching your head, embrace the thrill of the hunt and see if you can uncover its hidden purpose!