Breastfeeding is often celebrated as one of the most natural and nurturing acts a mother can perform for her child. It provides essential nutrients, fosters a unique bond between mother and baby, and ensures a healthy start to life. But what happens when breastfeeding extends beyond the commonly accepted age, or when alcohol enters the picture? That’s exactly the situation Lauren McLeod, a 31-year-old mom from Perth, Australia, found herself in, sparking fierce debate online.
The Story of Lauren McLeod: Unconventional Parenting

Lauren McLeod, mother to 7-year-old Bowie and 4-year-old Tigerlily, has made headlines for her unconventional breastfeeding journey. While most mothers wean their children at a younger age, Lauren continued to breastfeed Bowie until he turned six. She now nurses her four-year-old daughter and openly supports extended breastfeeding.
In a world where parenting decisions are constantly scrutinized, Lauren stands firm in her choices. She believes she’s doing what’s best for her children and remains unbothered by societal norms. “I’m just like any other mom doing the best for my children,” Lauren explained in an interview with The New York Post.
Her decision, however, hasn’t come without criticism. The online backlash intensified when Lauren revealed that she occasionally drinks alcohol while breastfeeding, prompting heated discussions about safety and ethics.
Breastfeeding a 6-Year-Old: Natural or Unnecessary?
For many, the idea of breastfeeding a 6-year-old feels unusual or even inappropriate. Cultural norms and societal expectations often dictate that breastfeeding should stop around the toddler years. However, Lauren challenges this notion, advocating for a child-led approach.
She celebrated Bowie’s weaning milestone with a “bye-bye boobies” party, a lighthearted yet emotional farewell to their breastfeeding journey. Lauren described it as “the end of an era” that both she and her son agreed was the right time to stop.
Medical experts, including the World Health Organization (WHO), recommend breastfeeding for at least two years, but they leave the decision to continue beyond that up to the mother and child. Proponents of extended breastfeeding argue that it provides emotional comfort, a nutritional boost, and a strengthened immune system for older children.
Critics, however, feel that breastfeeding at this age blurs boundaries and can hinder a child’s independence. Ultimately, the debate highlights the clash between personal parenting choices and societal expectations.
Drinking Alcohol While Breastfeeding: Fact vs. Fiction
Perhaps even more contentious than extended breastfeeding is the subject of alcohol consumption while nursing. Lauren McLeod has been vocal about the misconceptions surrounding this issue, and she’s determined to educate others on the facts.
Many assume that alcohol directly passes into breastmilk and that any drinking will harm the baby. However, medical research tells a different story. According to health organizations like La Leche League International and The American Academy of Pediatrics, moderate alcohol consumption while breastfeeding is generally safe.
Here’s how it works:
- Alcohol does transfer to breastmilk, but in very low concentrations.
- It takes about 1-2 hours for a standard drink to clear from the bloodstream, meaning timing feeds around alcohol consumption can minimize exposure.
- Binge drinking, on the other hand, is discouraged, as excessive alcohol can impact milk production and impair judgment.

Lauren’s response to her critics emphasizes this scientific perspective. “There’s definitely misinformation about drinking while breastfeeding,” she says. “People assume it will make the baby ‘drunk’ or harm them, but that’s not the case with moderate drinking.”
Her stance reflects a growing need for education and awareness on this topic to prevent unnecessary stigma.
The Online Backlash: Why Are Moms Always Judged?
Lauren McLeod’s story isn’t just about breastfeeding or alcohol—it highlights a much larger issue: the relentless judgment mothers face. From feeding choices to sleep training and screen time, moms are constantly criticized, often by strangers online.
In Lauren’s case, her extended breastfeeding and occasional drinking while nursing sparked debates about what’s “normal” or “acceptable.” But who gets to decide? Parenting is personal, and what works for one family might not work for another.
Unfortunately, the internet often amplifies negativity, leaving moms feeling attacked for their choices. Lauren’s willingness to speak out against this criticism sheds light on the importance of supporting parents instead of shaming them.
The Benefits of Extended Breastfeeding
While extended breastfeeding may raise eyebrows, it does come with benefits that are supported by medical research:
- Nutritional Value: Breastmilk continues to provide vitamins, minerals, and antibodies, even as a child grows.
- Emotional Security: Older children often find comfort and connection through breastfeeding.
- Boosted Immunity: The antibodies in breastmilk help protect against infections and illnesses.
Lauren’s decision to let her children self-wean aligns with these benefits. She prioritizes their needs, even when her choices aren’t widely accepted.
Challenging Parenting Norms: A Bold Move

Parenting norms vary widely across cultures and generations. What’s considered unconventional in one society may be perfectly acceptable in another. Lauren’s story reminds us that there’s no single “right” way to raise a child.
By openly sharing her journey, Lauren challenges outdated ideas about motherhood and normalizes choices like extended breastfeeding. Whether you agree with her or not, her courage to parent on her terms is undeniable.
Lauren McLeod’s story has ignited passionate debates about breastfeeding, parenting choices, and societal judgment. While breastfeeding a 6-year-old and drinking while nursing may not align with everyone’s views, it’s important to remember that parenting is a deeply personal journey.
At the heart of this controversy lies a simple truth: every parent strives to do what’s best for their children. Whether it’s extended breastfeeding, occasional drinks while nursing, or celebrating milestones like a “bye-bye boobies” party, Lauren’s approach reflects her unwavering love and care for her kids.
Instead of rushing to judgment, perhaps we should focus on offering support, fostering education, and respecting diverse parenting choices. After all, every family walks a unique path—and that’s perfectly okay.