Puzzles and brain teasers like this one are great ways to exercise your mind, improve your logical thinking, and challenge your assumptions. Today’s puzzle might sound simple at first, but it has a twist that’s likely to trip you up if you’re not paying close attention. Here’s the question:
How do you divide 12 apples among 12 people and still have 1 apple left in the bowl?

Sounds tricky, right? Let’s dive into it and explore common mistakes people make, how to solve it step-by-step, and why these types of puzzles are fantastic for building your problem-solving skills.
When faced with a brain teaser like this, many people’s initial response is to try to divide the apples equally among the 12 people. Let’s look at a few of the common misconceptions that might lead you down the wrong path:
- Overthinking the Math: Many assume this is a complicated math problem. They start breaking down the numbers, trying to divide 12 by 12 in various ways, sometimes even going so far as to think fractions are involved. But here’s the catch: this puzzle isn’t about complex division or fractions at all!
- Ignoring the Bowl: Since the puzzle specifically mentions that there should be 1 apple left in the bowl, the key detail here is the bowl itself. Many people miss this detail, focusing instead on how to get equal portions out of the apples.
- Assuming Apples Must Be Cut: Some people think they need to cut one of the apples to leave a part behind. They might try dividing the apples into halves or quarters, figuring this is the only way to leave a bit behind. However, the puzzle never specifies that the apples need to be divided equally among all 12 people—only that each person should receive an apple.
These misconceptions all stem from overcomplicating the puzzle. In reality, the solution is quite simple once you break it down!
Now that we’ve gone over some common pitfalls, let’s walk through the puzzle step by step to find the solution. This puzzle is more about thinking outside the box than performing complex calculations. Here’s how you can solve it:
Step 1: Carefully Read the Puzzle
The puzzle doesn’t specify that you have to divide all the apples equally. Nor does it say each person needs a specific portion of apple. Instead, it simply asks how you can distribute 12 apples in such a way that each of the 12 people gets an apple, and you still have one left in the bowl.
Step 2: Focus on the Keywords “Still Have 1 Apple Left in the Bowl”
This is where the subtlety lies. The question implies that even after distributing the apples, there should be a single apple remaining in the bowl. Most people miss this critical hint and assume that all 12 apples must be physically handed out to 12 people, but this is not actually required by the puzzle.
Step 3: Distribute 11 Apples Among 11 People
The solution is to give out 11 apples to 11 people. This way, each of these people gets an entire apple, and there’s still one apple left. At this point, you’re left with 1 apple in the bowl and only one more person to give an apple to.
Step 4: The Final Step – The Twelfth Apple Goes in the Bowl for the Last Person
Place the twelfth apple in the bowl itself and give the entire bowl, with the apple inside, to the 12th person. This satisfies the condition of the puzzle! The 12th person receives an apple (inside the bowl), and there’s still an apple “left” in the bowl. By presenting the apple in this way, it stays in the bowl while simultaneously being allocated to the final person.

In short, the solution is as follows:
- Give 11 apples to 11 people.
- Place the 12th apple in the bowl.
- Give the bowl, with the apple inside, to the 12th person.
With this approach, all 12 people receive an apple, and there’s still one left in the bowl just as the puzzle specifies.
Solving brain teasers can be addictive, especially once you get a taste of the satisfaction that comes from cracking a tough one. If you enjoyed this puzzle, challenge yourself with others that require lateral thinking and careful attention to detail. Some popular types of puzzles include:
- Number Puzzles: Test your mathematical skills with questions that require numerical reasoning, like the famous “three-digit number” puzzles.
- Word Puzzles: Play with language and vocabulary in puzzles that ask you to rearrange letters or find hidden words.
- Logic Puzzles: Try puzzles that require deductive reasoning, like Sudoku or grid-based logic puzzles.
- Riddles and Lateral Thinking Puzzles: Push yourself to think outside the box with questions that have surprising or humorous answers.
Now that you know the answer to this puzzle, how did it compare to your initial thoughts? Did you guess correctly, or did you fall into one of the common traps? Brain teasers like this one are fantastic for keeping your mind sharp and improving your problem-solving skills.
If you’re ready for more, seek out other puzzles and challenges to continue building your logical thinking. And don’t forget to share this puzzle with friends or family and see if they can figure it out! You may be surprised by how many people find themselves stumped by this seemingly simple question. Happy puzzling, and keep challenging yourself to think differently!