Picture this: You’re driving home after a long day, looking forward to unwinding. As you approach an intersection, you find yourself face to face with a chaotic scene—a traffic jam unlike any you’ve seen before. Seven cars, all seemingly stuck, have entered the intersection at once, creating a tight gridlock. No one’s moving, and everyone’s confused about which car needs to move first to untangle the mess. The frustration is palpable, and the clock is ticking.

In this puzzle, seven cars labeled A, B, C, D, E, F, and G have entered an intersection at the same time, creating a standoff. Each car is blocking the path of another, and no one is able to move forward. The drivers are flustered and no one knows who should go first to start clearing the intersection. Sounds frustrating, right?
The key to solving this brainteaser is to think logically and figure out which car can move without causing more blockage. This puzzle is as much about patience as it is about strategy. The drivers have been stuck for over an hour, but with the right approach, this puzzle is solvable in a matter of minutes.
Before jumping to conclusions, you need to assess the situation carefully. Imagine the intersection and the placement of all seven cars. They’ve entered simultaneously, but each car is blocking another, which creates the problem. Your goal is to figure out how to undo this jam, starting with one simple move.
It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking that the car in the front of the pack or one that seems most central should move first. But as with many brainteasers, the obvious answer isn’t always the right one. The solution lies in figuring out which car can reverse or change position without creating further complications for the others.
Here’s where your problem-solving skills come into play. To solve the gridlock, you need to identify which car, when moved, will start the chain reaction needed to free up the intersection. Each car is important, but only one can take the first step that will allow the others to follow.
The answer? Car G needs to move first.

You might be wondering why Car G is the key to unlocking this puzzle. Let’s break it down:
- Car G, the orange Pinto, is positioned in such a way that by simply backing up, it creates enough space for one lane to start moving.
- Once Car G reverses, it frees up another car’s path—allowing that car to either move forward or turn.
- This action creates a domino effect where, one by one, the cars are able to maneuver out of the intersection.
By moving Car G first, you set off a chain reaction that gradually untangles the gridlock. Once Car G is out of the way, another car gets the room to move, and then another, until finally, all cars can pass through the intersection and the traffic jam dissolves.
Let’s walk through how this solution works step by step:
1. Car G moves backward, which creates enough space for one lane to start flowing.
2. As one lane clears, Car F moves forward, allowing more room for the other cars.

3. Car E follows suit, as space opens up, letting Car E exit the gridlock.
4. Car B finds space to drive forward, clearing the way for Car A to move.

5. Now that multiple lanes are freeing up, Cars D and C can begin moving forward, making more room for the final two cars.

6. In a matter of minutes, the entire intersection is clear, all because Car G took the first step. It’s a classic case of solving a problem by addressing the root cause—sometimes all it takes is one small shift to resolve a much bigger issue.

This traffic jam brainteaser teaches us a few important lessons that go beyond just problem-solving:
- Patience and Observation Are Key: Sometimes, rushing into a solution can make things worse. By stepping back and carefully assessing the situation, you can find the most effective way forward.
- Think Strategically: Not every problem can be solved by tackling the most obvious part first. Sometimes, the solution lies in an unexpected place—like having Car G move instead of a car that’s closer to the front of the gridlock.
- One Move Can Create a Chain Reaction: In this puzzle, moving just one car—Car G—was enough to start a sequence of movements that resolved the entire situation. It’s a reminder that in both life and puzzles, sometimes solving one small issue can have a far-reaching impact.
In the end, solving the gridlock brainteaser isn’t just about freeing a few cars—it’s about learning how to approach problems with patience, logic, and strategic thinking. By starting with the right move, in this case, moving Car G, you can unlock a sequence of events that clears the way for everything else to fall into place.
So next time you find yourself in a tricky situation—whether it’s a puzzle or a real-life problem—remember that sometimes all it takes is one small move to untangle even the most challenging mess. With patience and strategic thinking, you’ll be able to solve problems with ease, just like you helped clear this traffic jam.